
Problem removing blankspaces with split(" ").join("");

Yesterday I was playing around with Adobe Air and flex. My goal was to parse a productprice from an HTML-site by splitting the pricetag in to ”kronor” and ”oren” (pounds and cents) My only problem was that ”kronor” below 10 just contained one number, before that number was a blankspace to balance the textalign on the site.

So I built a function that was suppose to remove the blankspaces with split(” ”).join(””); , but no success. After some testing I tryed the string.charCodeAt(index:Number = 0);. This function returns a “charCode” , the numeric Unicode character code of the character ,at a specified index, this gave the result 160. After some googleing on unicode 160 I found this site http://bytes.com/forum/post1462660-5.html. This sort of blankspace-characters are called a ”non breaking space” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-breaking_space. I also found that there are some more types of whitespace - characters that may be used by unicode but not removed by the split(” ”).join(””) – function. So to solve this problem I some how had to force the special character in to the splitjoin-function. After some reading about strings on ”livedocs” ,http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/String.html ,I found the String.fromCharCode(), that simply translates a list of commaseparated Unicodenumbers to a string. So instead of using split(“ “).join(“”) to remove the non breaking space I used split(String.fromCharCode(160)).join("").

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