
Papervision 3D hand cursor

viewport:Viewport3D's property buttonMode is what control if a hand cursor should show on ALL or NON 3D objects. If buttonMode=true the hand cursor will show whether or not the materials are interactive, or if you are listening for InteractiveScene3DEvents.

So if you need hand cursor to show all time, set viewport.buttonMode=true; and if you do not want a hand cursor anytime, set viewport.buttonMode=false;

If you need to show a hand cursor on specific target objects, you should set viewport.buttonMode=false; and then have each target object to set listeners. In those callback functions you must use CursorManager.setCursor(id:Class) | CursorManager.remove...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice one, but what about people using flash instead of flex? Any idea?
